Spawning Your Ship on Tungsten Moon

Table of contents

Spawn Points

Of the twenty landing pads in Tungsten Moon Demo, five are base pads, which are spawn points that you can return to at any time. The respawn control panel is on the right-hand side of the Sky Dart cockpit. Base pads are numbered 0 through 4, like this:

  • 0:0
  • 1:0
  • 2:0
  • 3:0
  • 4:0

On the surface of each pad is the direction (compass heading) and distance to a “child” pad. The child will have directions to other children, and so on, up to a total of four pads (including the base). Each child pad has its own unique number, based on its base pad number, like this:

Base Pad First Child Second Child Third Child
0:0 0:1 0:2 0:3
1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3
2:0 2:1 2:2 2:3
3:0 3:1 3:2 3:3
4:0 4:1 4:2 4:3

Spawn Control Panel

You can keep track of your progress and respawn at one of the base pads using the respawn control panel:

Respawn control panel

  • Press NEXT BASE to toggle through the different base pads (BASE ID).
  • Each base pad will show you how many pads (TASKS) you have visited and the total available.
  • Select a base pad, then press GOTO BASE to spawn there.

When you spawn at a new pad, the position of the moon, its planet, and the sun remain as they were, but you will be somewhere else on the moon. This means your next spawn point could be in near or total darkness! But as time advances and the moon rotates on its axis (once every ten hours), the sun will eventually rise everywhere.

Dying on Tungsten Moon

In this demo version of Tungsten Moon, you can only die by crashing your Sky Dart. If that happens, you will instantly respawn at the last place you safely landed. The time and date and your fuel quantity will be restored to that moment in time. In the event you are in a precarious position, lost or just tired of being where you are, you can always use the spawn control panel to go somewhere else.